To our valued community,
Our doors have been closed for a week but it feels like a decade. Some of you have left Whistler to be closer to family & friends, while others call Whistler home and remain.
Some of you have inquired about your current membership. All Core term memberships, and 10 & 20 visit memberships continue to be paused and Cancel Anytime Memberships remain suspended to ensure no automatic payments are processed during this temporary closure.
We miss you all and your amazing energy. Whistler Core is a place where you work hard, challenge yourself, hang with friends, and share your stories. Our routines have changed, life has changed but you haven’t. Join us in staying connected and share your stories of how you are staying strong and challenging yourself.
Creativity is a key to staying fit. There are oodles of online at-home workouts. Need help getting started? Here are a few we like and they are free on Youtube. Have your own favourites – share them with us too.
Climbers – power endurance: https://bit.ly/2UDi9WV
Yoga: https://bit.ly/2QJ92CW
Cycling: https://bit.ly/39hLqvs
General Fitness – right way to start the day: https://bit.ly/3dxMK0L
General Fitness – strength and flexibility: https://bit.ly/2y9OjBP
By creating a new routine in our changing lifestyle, that still includes daily exercise, you can help maintain your physical and mental fitness. Meanwhile, please play your part, keep informed, be calm and stay healthy.
Much love and appreciation to you, our community!
Bob, Corinne and the whole Team at the Whistler Core
#whistler #fitnesswhistler #climbingwhistler #indoorclimbingwhistler#mountainfitness #climbingismypassion