Seasonal Affective Disorder or seasonal depression is real. About 4% of the Canadian population experiences a drop in mood, concentration, desire to socialize and energy.
What causes this may you ask?
A decrease in ambient temperature (colder weather), a decrease in exposure to light (darker, shorter days) and a decrease in physical activity (lack of activity due to the former).
What can you do to combat these things? 6 Tips:
What causes this may you ask?
A decrease in ambient temperature (colder weather), a decrease in exposure to light (darker, shorter days) and a decrease in physical activity (lack of activity due to the former).
What can you do to combat these things? 6 Tips:
1) Let there be light. Special lights can be used to decrease melatonin production and increase vitamin d production.
2) Talk it out. Cognitive therapy or counciling can help combat the blues. It can help you work through things that have you feeling down and equip you with tools that will help you combat these feelings later on.
3) Pop some pills. Ant-depressants regulate neurotransmitters that control mood and energy. They have a time and place.
4) Bust outside. Spending time outdoors help ease moderate symptoms of SAD. Try to get outside within two hours of waking up. Whether it’s cloudy or a sunshine day, spending some time in the daylight can be a big help.5) Walk the walk. Regular exercise can reduce symptoms of moderate, nonseasonal depression. And studies suggest a combination of exercise and light therapy can also help treat SAD. So put Titanic on pause and consider going for a jog instead.
6) Snag a bowlful of sunshine. Complex carbohydrates help maintain levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. (Eat those carbs in moderation, of course— it’s hard to feel chipper after a box of Chips Ahoy!)
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